Develop One’s Self

Please remember that if you need me, whether to help develop new skills, or for anything else, reach out and let me know. I’m here for you.

Develop Daily

As part of my process in offering my skills to other people I feel it is my duty to grow and develop those skills. Due to that, I set myself daily goals to keep on track. There are many areas I’m always working on, but I’m just going to go over my last week. There are many things I do every day but I’d like to just share a few specific tasks I aim to accomplish every day.

Along with the usual tasks of everyday life I aim to foster certain abilities. Throughout the week I have set myself multiple reminders to keep myself on task. These reminders make sure that I keep improving myself and honing my skills. As part of it I am constantly trying to establish superior social media marketing skills, improve my programming expertise, and even develop my exercise routine.

Developing a Social Life

The main skill I work daily to develop is my social media skills. I’ve never been the best when it comes to social media, whether personal or professional. Because of that I’ve taken it on myself to become more proficient. I take time to study the platforms in an attempt to learn best practices and improve my engagement. Part of this is my new weekly Twitter giveaways. Every Wednesday I am giving away a free video game to a randomly chosen follower.

But there’s more, I’ve built a calendar to assist with social media posts. I’ve also built a list of topics and posting ideas to use. These two tools put together allow me to keep my social media timely and interesting. But even so I’m still striving every day to improve and find new ways to grow and engage my audience.

Maintain and Improve

Many skills, such as programming, can deteriorate over time through disuse. Because I enjoy programming (and video games) I strive to develop my skills regularly. Not only do I use them to help others who need assistance with their projects but I also work to improve those skills by pursuing my own projects. It can be challenging to help others with their questions, especially when it’s a topic I have little exposure to. Luckily, such experiences really help me learn new things and improve.

As for my own projects, not only am I assembling a framework of tools for other game makers but I also use those tools for my own games. Running into complications in my own projects allows me to grow and learn new ways of reaching my goal. Which can then help me enable others to do the same.

Cultivating a Constitution

It may not be first on my list but physical fitness is easily the most important part of daily development. No, I don’t spend hours lifting weights or run for miles and you don’t have to either. Developing a healthy lifestyle is a lot easier than most people think. It all boils down to being conscious of what you put into your body while maintaining a work-out routine.

Large numbers of the population seems to have issues when it comes to food. I used to, and sometimes feel like I still do. Many years ago I learned the true key finding and maintaining a healthy weight, portion control. In essence, all I had to do was pay more attention to not just what I ate, but more importantly, how much I ate. Once I got a better understanding of portion sizes I have been able to maintain a more healthy weight and lifestyle.

Eating better is only one step in developing and maintaining a healthy body. Sitting around all day is deadly, so it’s important to not only move regularly, but to also push your body beyond your normal activity. As daunting as it seems at first, it’s really very simple to do. Just find some time, such as while watching TV or waiting for dinner, to do some quick and easy exercises. Even for people in the worst shape, attempting to do some simple exercises such as sit-ups, pushups, or even lunges, is all it takes. Keep trying every day and you’ll see they get easier.

Improving In Tandem

So remember, if there’s something you want to do there are people out there who are doing it already. I know I would gladly help you reach whatever goal you have for yourself. All it takes is a message or a comment, just reach out and tell me what I can do to help you develop yourself. And, as always, I want to thank everyone for their support, whether you buy me a video game (Thanks again Itchy!) or you support me on my Patreon.

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