Content Claimers

Late Start

It felt sooooo good to sleep in a bit today. With the roommate off with her boyfriend I didn’t have to worry about looking like a slacker. I ended up laying in bed for an extra hour this morning. When I got up I was surprisingly refreshed.

The morning has also progressed slowly. Nothing on the schedule for today, although the handyman may stop by for some direction. Otherwise, I have nothing to do but watch TV/movies and play video games. I think today is the day I fight the ender dragon on the Switch.


So the roommate stopped by this morning for a bit of work. Seems the road is now passable. I headed over to the customs warehouse to pick up some items that were missed. Unfortunately, the reason they were missed is because they were on a different bill of lading than the ones on our paperwork so I couldn’t get the stuff.

Made a run by a couple of the shippers to get paperwork taken care of. Looks like they just need to complete a couple more forms and I’ll be able to go pick up the missing stuff. Hopefully it will be completed before the customs warehouse is closed today.


Man, that dragon fight is a lot harder than it used to be. I thought I was ready, but I died so many times! I don’t think I even destroy all the end crystals. But the dragon is down so I can now explore the End and hope to get some Elytra!

So, as it turns out, worlds created pre-bedrock on the switch don’t have a nether ratio of 8:1! I was having all kinds of issues getting a nether portal to hook up. Worlds created before bedrock actually had different ratios depending on the size of the world. Those ratios carry over into bedrock. So stupid and annoying and I don’t know if there is a way to change it.

But now I have my spawn, my skeleton grinder, and my end portal all hooked up through the nether. I’ll need to add in my guardian farm once that gets going. And I still need to do more work on the witch farm (I’ve barely done anything). Maybe I need to get one of those HDMI capture thingies so I can make YouTube videos from my switch . . . .


So I just received 3 content ID claims on YouTube for videos that are five years old! Even though I can no longer monetize videos, I won’t stand for someone else earning even a fraction of a cent off my content. Where do they get off claiming to own something I made. It would be one thing if they actually had a claim, but these people (Studio 71, on behalf of some giant channel with over 20mil subs) have no right.

So I disputed all the claims and tweeted at the channel owner a few times. Luckily, it didn’t take them long to release the claim once I disputed them. I was afraid they were going to go through all my Telltale Games videos. Not sure if tweeting had anything to do with how quickly they released the claims. I even had another friend get hit with the same bullshit.

And you just know that if myself and one other person got hit at the same time, there are likely going to be thousands of others who got hit. How many people do you think are going to bother disputing these claims? It just means free revenue for the network. I’m sure the YouTuber doesn’t get a share of that. Of course, the videos they claim will likely not get a whole lot of views.

I really miss making videos and I miss all my people. I’m hoping they might find their way here but I guess if I want an audience I need to find a way to start fresh.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is another cloud! I like this one because it looks like a spark is about to ignite the cloud from the inside. 

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