Leaking Power


Busy busy morning! Spent a good long while at one of our villas cleaning it up a bit. Took almost everything out of the maid’s closet to organize it better and get rid of a ton of trash. After that time was spent running around looking for stuff. Problem is, it’s hard to source a lot of stuff on the island.


We’ve been having some issues with our hot water the last couple of days. Went to check out the water heater this afternoon and found water just streaming out. Seems the old tankless heater (which isn’t functioning) was still hooked up and sprang a leak. Got a plumber supposed to be coming out to see what he can do about taking that out of the loop.

Power’s Out

Right around lunch power went out for the whole island. Lasted around three hours too. Luckily we were still able to get stuff done during that time. Went out to do some grocery shopping and check on the housekeepers.

And Again

Once more power dropped. This time it was after dark so it was interesting trying to navigate the house. It didn’t really affect too much though. Eventually power returned.

Droppin’ Bottles

Ugh, one of our reusable grocery bags broke. Bottle of champagne dropped to the ground and exploded. Glass everywhere, champagne all over my feet. I even got a couple little cuts from it.


Got a fair bit going in Factorio. Researched automation 3 so now I will never have to manually craft anything again! Got a tank, expanded my base, starting to work on rails. Things are going well.


Once again I have failed to do anything fitness related. It was another more active day though, so at least I wasn’t floundering all day.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is just more ocean. I felt drawn to the dark cloud over the bright light reflected off the ocean. I’m beginning to run out of title ideas for these photos!

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