Learn a Lesson

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series Game Development

Beginner’s Luck

As stated in Humble Beginning, it’s time to make a game! So I’ve begun with learning to use Unity with the 2D Game Kit tutorial. What I’m interested in making doesn’t exactly fit with what I’m learning in this but I have a feeling that it won’t matter as this will give me the basics to build upon for my game idea(s). Maybe I’ll take what I learn from this to build a simple platformer first. I guess I need new assets though. . . I should figure out how to make my own!

Game Ideas

Okay, so now I have to learn to build games in unity, then re-skin the game I make in this tutorial. So I have two game ideas to build on . . . . make that three! Two platformers and a CCG.

The Misadventures of Mr Muffin

I want to make a game for my lady, as some kind of present or something that she can play on her phone. That will be it’s own ball of wax though, much more advanced. Sort of a platformer, but a mobile platformer with simplified controls. Simple story, Ms Rice is captured and Mr Muffin has to save her or vice versa, an option to play as one or the other that just swaps assets or something based on who you choose to play.

The IT Ninja

Actually, maybe this could be a bit of a puzzle game? I mean, I could totally see this as a platformer too. You play as the IT Ninja and have to defeat evil robots or hackers or both. Platformer with puzzle elements? Maybe some kind of mini games? I’m getting ahead of myself.


This I will go much more in depth later. Don’t want to spoil too much now, but I already have all kinds of ideas laid out somewhere else that I’ll share later. Maybe it’d be a good idea to put that information into another post. Get the ideas out of my head so I don’t forget or obsess over them.

Lesson Learned

Even with interruptions I was able to make it through all six lessons on the 2D Game Kit. I’ve actually learned a lot about how to use Unity, but am nowhere near ready to start making my own game. Of course, the game kit includes a lot of stuff you’d have to create from scratch. It has all kinds of assets and physics and everything. But it’s given me a jumping off point and I think with what little I’ve learned I can now begin to figure out what I need to know. I’ll start putting together some ideas for my games in the future and laying the groundwork for what to learn next.

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