No More House


I am not used to this weak coffee. I was once again awoken by a little boy. Too excited for the early morning. First thing he did was start running around in Zelda. 

Once the time came, my host delivered his spawn to it’s institution of learning. Not long after supplying me with sustenance my host then went off to his place of employment

No Man’s Sky

I spent the rest of the morning in No Man’s Sky. I have now completed the beginning phase of the game. I have a pretty good handle on how it all works now. Inventory room is so much more precious than it was when I played two years ago. I have upgraded my multitool and ship though. Still a lot of repairs needed on both.


It’s time to for my roommate to pick me up to go finish selling my house. It really didn’t take too long. Just signed some papers and we were out in less than 30 minutes. No more house, no more house payments!


Wow, I can’t believe I’ve spent so long playing No Man’s Sky . . . Time just passes so quickly. Almost time for dinner, good ole Mexican! Om nom nom. . .

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