Profit Formula

The Proposal

An villa owner we had recently dealt with came to me with a proposal for a website idea he’s had. His idea isn’t bad, but I don’t think he actually thought any of it through. I spent a good long while this morning doing the math to show him exactly what he’s looking at profit-wise.

I laid down average rates based on competing sites, Google Ads CTR and cost, and even conversion rates. In the end we’re talking four thousand unique visitors per month to earn less than $18,000/yr in profit. If he’s serious about his idea, I can work with it, but I don’t think he quite realizes what it would take to make it profitable.

Want to know more? Lemme know in the comments below!


I’ve now got green circuits automated on the train megabase! It sure it taking a lot of work to get simple things like that done on such a large scale. Plus, I don’t have all the things I want/need to maximize them yet. Right now the furnaces and assemblers are all running with tier 1 modules. I guess I should get to working on pumping them out en masse. Red and blue circuits will be needed but before that I’ll have to get the oil rolling on the tracks.

Unfortunately it appears the factory may be outgrowing my laptop. I’m getting pathing issues with the trains when there shouldn’t be any. It’s possible it might just be a little glitch or it could be a continued issue.

Not the Hero

So the same guests who has AC issues now have hot water issues. . . Well, they were having them yesterday but decided to wait to let us know until tonight at 5pm. I headed over there to work my magic again, except I must have left it at home. Nothing I could do would get the tankless water heater to come online.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is a rock, just a big boulder in the yard. I thought it looked pretty cool with the ridge/crack on the surface and tried to make it look like more than just a simple rock through editing.

Remember to go check out my Gallery for more photo goodness!

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