Training and Homework


The wind was strong last night and the rain was heavy. Seems that even though Isaac is still pretty far away it’s affecting the weather here. The air has been pretty still recently, until now. Still no water here. Going to have to go to another villa to shower again. The guests next door will be moving today so I won’t have to go too far, but I will have to wait a bit before they’re out.

Only been awake for an hour and I’ve already been out of the house doing some work. Ran up to Christiana really quick to open it up and leave the key for the guest. Everything’s ready for him.

Without water I’ve got a bit of a dirty dish situation too. This isn’t like before where the water was trickling, there is literally no water running through the pipes at all. I’ve been using bottled water to clean the coffee pot every morning but now I’m running out of clean mugs. 

No Man’s Sky

I jumped back into the game after having sorta rage quit the last time. It seems that the armorer’s “Kill Sentinels” quest is bugged because I tried again and it wouldn’t progress. So for now I’ve given up and been working on farming instead. I’m kinda stuck where I am with base quests. They’re all just waiting for time to pass to be able to progress now. I could continue along the Atlas Path.

The game does still have some issues, like I can teleport to any space station I’ve been to, but there’s no easy way to see where any of them are. Like, how do I know where I left off on my Atlas Path? Or which one is closest to my next destination? I mean, I could just hop from one to the next and look at the galaxy map, except I have to get in my ship and fly around to do that. Seriously, what is that? 

Also, I’ve followed the Atlas Path and hit a couple of interfaces, but I still don’t understand a word. Sure I can keep going, but I thought as time went on I learned more. I mean, I already know the story from the first time I played (I think) so it’s not a big deal. 


I stopped by next door to let the guest know that everything was set for him to transfer but I couldn’t find him. His truck was out front, but he must have been in the bedroom and I wasn’t going to look there. I’ll just keep popping by occasionally until I catch him.

Second trip to check on him and he was already done moving to the other villa. Now I just need to get the housekeeper and handyman in to clean and close the place up. I guess now is as good a time as any to watch Iron Fist!

After I finished watching the first episode I walked next door. I found the housekeeper up there doing some cleanup and the handyman will be by later to bring in all the furniture. While there I grabbed the keys and I’ll be locking it up after a shower this evening.



I almost forgot about my scheduled appointment with the accountant. It’s a good thing I had a reminder on my calendar. Got everything going and ready just in time too. Now if only she’d show up. Oh look, even though there was a link in the initial automatic calendar invite for hangouts, the meeting is actually taking place in RingCentral. . . . 

That went pretty well. I’ve now got some stuff I need to do in Quickbooks over the next couple of weeks. Luckily it really shouldn’t take too long to do when I do it.  I’ve already got a reminder on my calendar to get it done. It’s really just a bit of data entry, no big deal.

After a couple more episodes of Iron Fist I was able to head next door for a shower. It feels so good to be clean! I really wish the water issue here would be resolved. The wind hasn’t let up at all, if anything it’s getting worse. Looks like rain on the horizon.


Not much left for today, just more Iron Fist and YouTube. 

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