Windy Evening


Another morning starting with RimWorld. It’s amazing how much better life is with running water. Looks like the nearby hurricane has pushed some weather our way. Not a ton of rain, but lots of wind gusts. 

I’ve hit a rough patch in RimWorld. Ran out of decent meals because of a cold snap in winter. I think I pushed too hard and have run into power issues. Lost a colonist too, stupid warg was too tough for him. Also, I realize that I should be equipping them with melee weapons and not just guns. . . Oops! Well, turns out you can’t. . . 


We made a trip out to check on all the villas. So far everything’s doing well. Also made a quick facebook post trying to promote one of our villas. Hopefully that will garner some interest.

Spent even more time in RimWorld. Things there are going better. I feel like I did a horrible job building my base though. There just isn’t room to expand. I also think I have too many animals, so I’m trying to lower the number through frequent slaughters. 


Not much to say about the evening. Played more RimWorld (see a theme here?). We got some serious wind, not a lot of rain though. Likely due to Hurricane Kirk passing.

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