Easy Peasy


Before heading off to work on pools I spent a few minutes in my latest world. I’ve totally given up on the restrictions now that I have my achievements. I basically just let the game run to see if I could overcome the power issues I’m having. I manually stuffed a bunch of coal in a fraction of my boilers and was able to jump start my power grid enough to bring the factory online.

When I get a chance to play more I will aim solely at getting my nuclear plant going to address these power issues. Once that’s done I’ll be able to begin expansion again.


Because of the rain today I didn’t do as good a job on the pools as I usually do. I made sure to balance and clean them properly but I didn’t do an extra special job. While out, I also raided a villa that the guests departed from today. Took home some rum and other goodies.

Stardew Valley

While I was out at one villa I hung out and played Stardew for a while to let the roommate and her boyfriend have some alone time. Then, when I got back, I let them borrow my laptop to try to watch a movie and sequestered myself in my room playing more! I’ve almost made it through the Winter. Just about a week left in my first year now. I’ve completed the mines, built a couple more mayonnaise machines and cheese presses, and upgraded my coop to the top level.

OMG! I got a dinosaur egg! I was just running around killing time in the winter and dug up an artifact spot and there it was. I’ve got it incubating now and can’t wait until I have my own pet dinosaur.

Feature Image

Today’s featured image is once again clouds. I’m really starting to run out of titles for these images. But, these clouds just looked amazing with the way the light plays off them.

Remember to go check out my Gallery for more photo goodness!

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