

So, I kinda forgot to make a post yesterday. Not that there was a whole lot to post about. I basically spent all day playing Factorio and Stardew Valley. Not much has changed in either game. But let’s just go over it a little bit.


My mega factory is growing constantly. Power issues are a thing of the past because I’ve got a bunch of solar now and shut off the biggest power drains until nuclear is up and running. Slowly the nuclear power plant is being built. As I’ve been expanding the rail network I’ve also been dealing with the occasional bottleneck.

Stardew Valley

Life on the farm is going well. I’ve got two silos now, upgraded both the coop and barn to deluxe. Got over 400 crops in the fields being automatically watered for me too. My dinosaur egg has hatched, I’ve got rabbits, chickens, cows, and ducks. I may have accidentally forgotten to buy pigs though, I’ll have to rectify that when I play next.


Today there was a small amount of work, and a lot more Factorio. After dinner I disappeared to my room for Stardew Valley and YouTube.


We had some guests leave one of our villas today so the roommate and I popped over there to close it up. The villa they were in is still in disrepair though. The front door is secured with a padlock and the guests closed and locked it with the key inside! Luckily I was able to break in. We gathered the trash up and took it out.


The nuclear power plant is complete! But I can’t turn it on yet since I haven’t gotten enough material to make fuel. I’m really close to getting that running though. It will just take a little more time to refine the uranium.

Stardew Valley

Once again I didn’t win the egg hunt. I did stock up on strawberries for next spring though. My fields are full of potatoes, ancient fruit, and coffee. My pig is still a baby, but hopefully soon he’ll be a full grown truffle hunting swine.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is actually an older photo. I had taken a few at the same time earlier this year and only posted one. This photo looked pretty sweet so I’m sharing it too.

Remember to go check out my Gallery for more photo goodness!

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