Farm Progress


Spent the early morning putting some finishing touches on a villa for an arrival this afternoon. I had to add a bit of water to one pool and do cleanup on both there. Just some skimming and brushing, nothing major. A little while later I ran some laundry for one of our housekeepers.

Stardew Valley

While the roommate was of greeting our arriving guests I took the opportunity to play through a couple more days of Stardew Valley. Luckily it was raining both days so I was able to spend my energy on things besides watering the crops. I’ve got so many crops planted right now it’s crazy. I even have a couple of quality sprinklers placed, although I need to move them at the end of the season.

I opened up the secret woods with my newly upgraded steel axe and I got a few levels deeper in the mines. I added a few more items to the community center bundles but didn’t complete any. I did get foraging and farming to level up. I can now make the lightning rod, which I need to do ASAP.


I’ve got a barn raising going on! That’s right, it’s almost time to get cows. I’m about two thirds of the way through Summer now and I’ve completed that bundle. The farm is still a work in progress but that progress is going swimmingly!


I spent a bit of time earlier on the beginnings of an idea I have. I would like to understand the modern day scammer. So I’ve begun a new series about interviewing a scammer. So far I’m just spitballing ideas, gathering questions I’d like to ask a scammer if I can get one to talk to me.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image is some rain over the ocean. The thing that drew me to this was the way the clouds formed such a line on the horizon. I love watching the rain over the ocean.

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