Merry Christmas

Christmas Morning

The morning of Christmas was nothing too special. We were preparing to have a few people over for dinner. A little bit of cleaning and a lot of work on the pool. Went shopping for some supplies for hosting as well. The roommate was cooking a crab dip and some cheesy, meaty ball things. They turned out delicious.

Guests Arrive

Early afternoon the first guests arrived. They brought the majority of the food with them, a ham, turkey and a whole bunch of sides. They’re good people. A lot of cooking ensued. It was a few hours later when the final set of guests arrived.


One of the guests brought along some weed. He offered to share and of course I had some. Two hits, that’s all. It was some real strong stuff, and it’s been a while since I’ve had any. That stuff made me so paranoid for a couple of hours. I’m talking Matrix and Truman Show levels of paranoid.

Not only that, but all the shit dealing with my son was weighing on me and that didn’t help at all. I knew it was the weed doing it all but even so it got to the point that I had to jump on Messenger and talk to a good friend. I had to get it all outa my head. It helped so much. Thank you!

Even with all that, I enjoyed the day. It was good to have everyone over and the food was all so amazing. I enjoyed the company even with my social awkwardness while I was feeling paranoid. Although, I think I’ma avoid that stuff at gatherings.

Featured Image

Today’s featured image was taken during the gathering. I really liked the look of this cloud and the way it looks like it’s coming out of the bushes.

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